What sets us apart is our unmatched experience and unique background, as well as our philosophy and approach to cases. We gained many years of experience at some of the nation’s top public institutions, and for decades at two of the world’s most prestigious and elite law firms, Skadden Arps and Jones Day, where we were both litigation partners for many years. Our collective experience allows us to evaluate and address the critical situations faced by our clients rapidly and in a comprehensive and efficient manner. We provide sophisticated, thoughtful, strategic and practical legal advice to international and domestic clients of all sizes, and assist them to achieve their business goals in an expeditious and efficient manner. The mix of clients we represent combined with the range of our practice experience results in a tremendous advantage – it allows us to provide innovative strategies and sophisticated, game-changing advice.
Here’s what we bring to the table:
We’re Highly-Skilled Litigators
We are aggressive and trial-ready, and focus on the heart of a dispute. We are courtroom-tested trial lawyers who have tried significant and challenging cases in federal and state courts, arbitration tribunals and administrative bodies throughout the U.S. We are not afraid to go to trial, and our clients – and adversaries – know it. We zealously advocate for our clients’ interests in courtrooms and other forums across the country and have helped them successfully resolve complex and challenging business disputes. We strongly believe that obtaining the best results for our clients requires focused, efficient and cost-conscious use of resources with hands-on involvement by senior attorneys to strategically develop and position cases for success at trial, or favorable settlement. We work to understand your goals, explore the universe of facts, and methodically construct our approach.
Because we routinely represent both plaintiffs and defendants, we have unique insights in how to approach and develop a case and we know our opponents’ pressure points. We draw on our extensive experience and use our tactical skills on every single matter we handle.
We’re Business Minded
Our team has one objective – to successfully maximize each client’s bottom line by striving for consistent and effective resolution of claims every time. So, we don’t reflexively and blindly litigate just for the sake of litigating. We recognize that our clients’ work continues after the lawsuit is over. We know the impact that disputes have on their business and understand how to handle these matters in a way that advances our clients' broader commercial objectives. We treat litigation as a tool to be used carefully and effectively to advance our clients’ business goals. We understand the difference between forceful and effective advocacy that impacts adversaries and courts, and drives satisfactory resolution, and wasteful tactics and gamesmanship that only serve to create needless conflicts, disrupt business and drive up litigation costs. We recognize that clients expect more than strategic legal counsel and victory in the courtroom – they expect efficient results to be delivered with a commitment to value and responsiveness, ever mindful of their ultimate business objectives. Nevertheless, because we are trial-ready and prepared to assert our clients’ rights in court or at arbitration, we maximize a successful resolution from a position of strength.
We’re Goal-Oriented and Efficient
Our firm is dedicated to providing superior, solution-oriented and cost-effective representation. We believe in a results-oriented approach to our representation, focusing on efficiency and our clients’ goals, rather than generating billable hours. Because of our unique background, extensive experience, firm structure and top-notch skills, we can deliver the same results at our counterparts at large firms at a fraction of the cost.
Our firm approaches each engagement with an aggressive, focused strategy designed to get to the heart of the matter as quickly as possible. We do not engage in time-consuming and costly detours that are immaterial to victory at trial. We don’t “over lawyer” our cases. Our clients trust us to keep their objectives in sight and to focus all of our efforts on key aspects of the controversy that are material to ultimate success. We work closely with our clients throughout their case and utilize all of our resources efficiently and productively.
We Offer Value-Driven Fees
We pride ourselves on handling matters efficiently and cost-effectively. We are highly-skilled and experienced lawyers, but don’t have the sizeable overhead and red tape of large firms. We do have flexibility. This allow us to deliver top-notch service and responsiveness to clients at greatly reduced rates. Our cost-effective, personal service is tailored to the specific concerns of each client, from large multi-national corporations to small businesses and individuals. Our firm provides responsive and client-focused counsel by seasoned and accomplished senior lawyers, not inexperienced or unfamiliar lawyers with exorbitant (and perennially increasing) rates. Clients get our best thinking in a timely manner.
Our fees are sensible, and we do not increase them annually as many other firms arbitrarily do to meet their own internal budgets. Moreover, we reject the one-size-fits-all approach other firms use in charging clients. We are flexible; each case we handle is unique and requires fresh consideration with a fee structure that works for us and our clients. We are willing to develop mutually beneficial fee arrangements based on our clients’ needs.
Moreover, we know and understand that our clients need to implement budgets, properly price litigation work and handle litigation matters as efficiently as possible. We are adept at developing realistic budgets and working within them; we approach the business side of litigation so that our clients can best predict and manage the cost of litigation. Our goals are to provide clients with reasonable cost certainty at the outset and at all stages of a matter, to align our interests with theirs and to make sure that every dollar spent is being properly deployed in pursuit of strategic objectives. Our approach affords our clients a rare measure of certainty regarding the expenses associated with each stage of the litigation.